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Allied Health Credentialing

Visiting Allied Health Professionals

To ensure the safety of Barwon Health consumers and staff, Barwon Health only supports clinical visits from visiting Allied Health Professionals in the following situations:

  • When care is being provided as part of a Service Agreement that Barwon Health has with an external organisation
  • When approved by the Research Development Unit for research
  • When providing care to residents within our Residential Aged Care facilities
  • When invited by Barwon Health for the purpose of clinical handover or complete specialised assessments that facilitate discharge from inpatient settings

Barwon Health does not support clinical visits from Allied Health Professionals outside of these situations (e.g. upon request by a patient, family or external provider). It also does not support inpatient visits from Allied Health Assistants or other adjunct therapies including but not limited to massage therapy, myotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy and aromatherapy.

What is credentialing and why do we need to do it?

The credentialing requirements and process are determined by situation in which the clinician is providing services at Barwon Health.

Contracted through a Service Agreement with Barwon Health

Visiting Allied Health professionals working for a provider who has a contract or Service Agreement in place with Barwon Health (e.g. Vivir in Aged Care, Geelong Orthotics) are required to complete credentialing as outlined in the Service Agreement.

As part of research approved by the Research Development Unit (RDU)

RDU will notify clinician researchers when they are required to complete the credentialing process.

Residential Aged Care Facilities

It is the resident’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the health professionals they choose to engage with while the Aged Care Facility is their home.  Therefore, allied health professionals wishing to visit residents in Barwon Health’s Residential Aged Care facilities are not required to be credentialed by Barwon Health.

Clinical handover of specialised assessments that facilitate discharge

Barwon Health only permits clinical visits to inpatient settings when invited by Barwon Health for the purpose of clinical handover or complete specialised assessments that facilitate discharge from inpatient settings.

Formal credentialing via an application is not required, but these visits must be approved by the relevant allied health professional Manager.

The visiting clinician will be accompanied by a Barwon Health staff member throughout their visit(s) and is not able to be involved in any manual handline or directly access medical records.

Barwon Health does not support clinical visits from Allied Health Professionals outside of these situations (e.g. upon request by a patient, family or external provider).

If you have further questions related to this, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last Modified: Monday, 09 September 2024