Barwon Health Strategic Research Symposium: Harnessing the Medici Effect
All are invited to attend the Barwon Health Strategic Research Symposium: Harnessing the Medici Effect.
The 2022- 2032 Barwon Health Research Strategic Plan is soon to be released, and formalises Barwon Health’s ten year vision; to make internationally important contributions to research that have a measurable impact on the health of our community. We will celebrate this vision at the Barwon Health Strategic Research Symposium, featuring:
- Presentations from Strategic Research Programs
- Presentations by finalists in the Best Research Paper of the Year Awards
- Awarding of the 2022 Barwon Health & Deakin University Best Paper of the Year Awards and Best Research Poster Awards
Symposium Details
When: 10am – 4pm, Tuesday 13 December 2022
Where: John Lindell Theatre
Who: All people with an interest or involvement in research at Barwon Health are invited to attend. Please email [email protected] to request a calendar invitation.
Register: Please register here for catering purposes.
Full Program
Session 1: 10am
Welcome: Ms Frances Diver & Professor Pete Vuillermin
Enhancing synergy between research, safety and quality to drive continuous improvements in care: Dr Lawrence Gray & Ms Keren Day
Developing allied health research capacity to drive innovation in digital health: Dr Paula Harding & Dr Denise Jones
Best Paper of the Year Finalist presentations (Clinical researchers):
- Professor Eugene Athan
- Ms Brooke Bufton & Ms Kate Ingwerson
- Dr Anand Ganes
- Dr Christine Roder
Morning tea
Session 2: 11:35am
Improving outcomes for people with musculoskeletal disease: Professor Richard Page
Building the capacity and capability of cancer services research to drive improvements in person centred care: Ms Katrina Golden
Building the exemplar listening and learning mental healthcare system: Ms Renae Carolin
Improving person centred care for people with Motor Neurone Disease: Associate Professor Paul Talman
Lunch & exhibition of winning posters in the BH DU Best Research Poster Awards
Session 3: 1:25pm
Best Paper of the Year Presentations (Scientists):
- Dr Moloud Abdar
- Miss Rebecca Edgar
- Ms Yuan Gao
- Mr Nicholas Parsons
Improving shared decision making and goal concordant care: Associate Professor Neil Orford
Improving outcomes for people who require surgery: Professor David Watters
Afternoon tea
Session 4: 2:50pm
Improving the physical and mental health of the frail and ageing: Professors Julie Pasco, Lana Williams and Mark Kotowicz
Improving the outcomes for people with infectious diseases: Professor Eugene Athan
Preventing childhood allergic disease and asthma: Professor Peter Vuillermin
Closing remarks and Awarding of the 2022 Barwon Health & Deakin University Best Paper of the Year Awards and
Best Research Poster Awards: Professor Peter Enticott