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Healthy Communities - Prevention of Violence Against Women

Getting help

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing violence and would like further support, contact one of the below organisations:

What is violence against women

Violence against women is any behaviour by another person that causes a woman to feel fear. There are many forms of violence - physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse and stalking. Any behaviour that is threatening, forceful, controlling or dominates that person, is considered abuse.

Violence against women is a common and serious problem in Australia. Around one in three women has experienced physical violence since the age of 15 years, and one in three has experienced sexual violence. In approximately 95% of cases, the perpetrator of violence was male. (AIHW 2018).

Violence against women is the biggest cause of ill health and early death in woman ages 15-44.

PVAW Facts and Figures

What are we doing

We aim to prevent violence against women and seek to change attitudes and behaviours that allow violence to take place. 

Barwon Health is working to strengthen our response to family violence throughout our services and supports the implementation of the Gender Equality Action Plan, making sure we meet all requirements of the Victorian Gender Equality Act 2020.

We share information to raise issues, change attitudes and behaviours through International Women’s Day, Candlelight Vigil, and the 16 days of Activism (to end gender-based violence).

The Respect Netball Cup


Respect Cup related link 1 11

Last Modified: Thursday, 07 September 2023