About Us

We work with the young person and their family to:

  • Identify adult health care needs and help refer to specialists
  • Help identify the health care skills the young person and their family may need, and work on developing these individually or in a group
  • Make sure the young person and their family feel confident to manage their healthcare needs

What is health transition?

Health transition for young people describes the movement from paediatric health services to adult health services. It is an important process for young people who progress into adulthood and start taking greater ownership over their healthcare. It involves exploring the differences between the paediatric health and adult health care system, developing confidence in new specialists and medical teams, and working on skills to be as independent as possible in managing healthcare.

Who is eligible?

  • Aged 14 to 25 years
  • Requires a coordinated approach to health transition
  • Barwon South-West Region
  • Developmental disability
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Neurological disorder
  • Spinal Cord Injury and Spina Bifida (and requiring additional support)

For 2023 we are running a pilot skills program for young people with intellectual disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder.

We provide the following service streams:

  • Health literacy skill development
  • Clinic appointments at Specialist Schools
  • School health literacy group education
  • Hospital based support and education
  • Parent education sessions
  • Complete a Health Passport


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you provide therapy?

No, but we can direct you to services or provide you with the skills.

If my child has diabetes can they be referred to YATS?

No, they are referred to the diabetes management team.

Can you help with work or housing options for my young person?

No, but we can direct you to services that can help.

How long do you work with a family or young person for?

We work with young people between the ages of 14 years old to 25 years old, we have no time frame as long as we can help you with transition goals.

Do you provide neuropsychology assessments?

No, but we can direct you to a service that can help you.

Do you provide financial support?

No, but we can direct you to a service that can help you.

How to refer

You can contact us directly, or a health professional can contact us about you.

Click here to view the YATS referral form.

Page last updated: July 25, 2024