Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service (VPRS)
Bendigo Bank House McKellar Kids Rehab

The Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service (VPRS) provides specialist rehabilitation for children and adolescents who have experienced:
- concussion
- acquired brain injury (trauma, stroke, tumour)
- spinal injury
- complex neurological condition or recent surgical/medical intervention.
The VPRS also have a tone management program for young people with cerebral palsy which includes assessment and intervention for spasticity.
The VPRS team is made up of allied health and medical professionals from the following backgrounds: rehabilitation & paediatric medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, social work, clinical psychology, and neuropsychology. All team members have experience working with children and adolescents after injury.
Therapists work with the young person and their family to deliver goal-focused, developmentally appropriate and time-limited, therapy programs.
Rehabilitation appointments are provided at Bendigo Bank House McKellar Kids Rehab in North Geelong and can also be provided at the client’s home, school, or in the local community.
Some of the things VPRS commonly supports people with include:
- Return to usual activities at home
- Return to school
- Reconnecting with peers after hospitalisation
- Return to sport, hobbies, and social activities
- Support around emotional changes
The VPRS at Barwon Health is part of a state-wide program.
At your first appointment, you will meet with two to three members of the VPRS team. We will talk to you about our service, answer any questions you have and find out what you would like to achieve by being part of our program (your goals).
Together we will develop a care plan which is a written document that outlines your goals and what actions we will take together to meet these goals. A care plan is an agreement between our team and your family about how we will work together. At the end of this care planning session you will have an individualised program and we will make appointments for you to see the appropriate members of the VPRS team. We will also make any referrals that are part of your care plan.
- The young person resides in the Barwon South West catchment area
- Aged 0-18 years
- Has an acquired injury, recent medical/surgical intervention or a functional impairment
- have moderate complexity to high complexity rehabilitation needs and/or require a time-limited and goal-oriented program
- requires a team approach consisting of different health professionals to achieve their rehabilitation goals.
To find out if VPRS is the right service for a young person, contact the Regional Coordinator on ph. (03) 4215 5314.
NIL fee for public patients
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) will cover the cost of rehabilitation for people with an approved claim.
A General Practitioner (GP), medical specialist or any health professional can make a referral.
Referrals are received by:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (03) 4215 6376
Post: McKellar Kids Rehab
45-95 Ballarat Road, North Geelong 3215
PO Box 281, Geelong VIC 3220
Electronic referral: referralNET (Geelong region only)
In your referral, please include a summary of the person’s injury, current symptoms and issues, goals for rehabilitation and any relevant risks.
All referrals are triaged and if not suitable for VPRS, the referral may be forwarded on to a more appropriate service or feedback provided to the referrer.
For enquiries you can speak with the Regional Coordinator, Dr Therese Clark, on 4215 5314.
– My child had an acquired brain injury 2 years ago and is having some difficulty with their schoolwork, can you help them?
If your child has had an acquired brain injury they may benefit from VPRS services.
– My child had a concussion about 4 weeks ago and they are having trouble with persisting symptoms?
If your child has had a concussion and they are still having symptoms they may benefit from VPRS services.
– My child is having difficulty learning to read or write or is slow to start talking or walking?
Unfortunately no. VPRS does not see children with developmental difficulties, nor children who do not require input from multiple therapists. Early interventions services or private Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists or Physiotherapist may meet your child’s specific needs.
– I have been told that my child needs a Neuropsychological Assessment, do you provide that?
The VPRS neuropsychologist sees young people for assessment as a part of a team approach to their rehabilitation. We do not provide assessments only.
Page last updated: October 28, 2024