We provide assessment, diagnosis and intervention to manage emotional, psychological, thinking or behavioural concerns or challenges impacting a person’s wellbeing or engagement with treatment and self-management.

About us

Worry, stress and mental health issues are very common following illness, diagnosis of a medical condition, traumatic injury, or a medical procedure. Clinical Psychologists have specialist training to help people manage these feelings and develop an understanding about the link between health problems and the impacts on thinking, feeling and behaving.

Changes in thinking skills, memory, personality and behaviour can be associated with certain medical conditions or can occur following a brain injury. Neuropsychologists have specialist knowledge to help people understand these changes and minimise their impact on daily life.

Clinical Psychologists and Neuropsychologists use the most up-to-date scientific evidence and research to develop programs to help clients, their families and carers get the most out of therapy or rehabilitation.

At Barwon Health, Psychology staff provide services to people in rehabilitation centres, community health centres, specialist clinics, and mental health, drug and alcohol programs.

Our services

Our Psychology staff work across a variety of multi-disciplinary programs and teams in different locations. You will find our services in:

Page last updated: October 31, 2024