The Barwon Health Eating Disorder Service, in association with key service partners, is responsible for specialist assessment, consultation and treatment services to consumers with an eating disorder and their carers, in the Barwon region.
Eating disorders assessment is available to consumers of all ages.
The service includes a specialist early intervention program for young people aged up to 25 years that aims to reduce the duration and/or impact of psychological and physical disturbance by enhancing early recognition and timely appropriate treatments.
In conjunction with Deakin University, the Eating Disorder service offers a group program for carers of people with an eating disorder (Collaborative Care Skills Workshop), which runs three times / year for six weeks.
Referrals for young people 0 – 25 are accepted via the Child and Youth triage service on 1300 094 187. Referrals are accepted directly by consumers themselves, their families or a GP/Paediatrician.
Referrals for people 26 years and over are accepted by the Eating Disorder Service on 1300 094 187.
Referrals directed to the service following initial GP/Paediatric assessment are recommended.
Page last updated: October 28, 2024