The Diabetes Referral Centre is a part of the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes caring for and treating people with all types of diabetes. Our team of Endocrinologists, Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDE), Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), Podiatrist and Resource Nurse provide expert diabetes clinical care and education.
Our services
Education and management of people with both pre-existing and new diagnosis of diabetes. Clinics are conducted on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Diabetes in pregnancy with pre-existing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
- Gestational diabetes
- Fitness to Drive – assessment for commercial and private vehicle drivers
- Diabetes Foot Unit – for acute diabetes foot conditions
- Insulin Pump (CSII)
- Bolus Advice Glucose Meters
- Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems
- Diabetes Outreach Clinic once a month:
– Newcomb Community Health Centre: Endocrinologist and CDE
– Anglesea Community Health Centre: Endocrinologist and CDE
– Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative: Endocrinologist
How to access the service
To access this service, your GP or medical practitioner will need to send a referral letter to the hospital.
Your referral will be prioritised according to urgency from information provided by your GP. You will then receive a letter inviting you to ring and book a suitable time for an appointment. If you fail to attend you will be offered one more appointment, and if you fail to attend again then you will need to go back to your GP for another referral.
What to bring
For an outpatient clinic appointment
- Your Medicare card, Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
- Any special items listed on your letter
- Current list of medications (prescription, over the counter and herbal medicine)
- Relevant test results or reports
- Medical Driving Licence review – Eye report, recent blood test results if requested prior to do so, blood glucose record diary and/or blood glucose meter
- New referral if requested to do so
- Glasses, hearing and mobility aid
- Blood glucose record diary and/or blood glucose meter
- WorkCover information (if relevant)
Appointment enquiries, cancellations and reschedule
If you cannot attend your appointment, please let us know ahead of time so that it can be offered to another person.
Telephone the Outpatient Department on 4215 1396 during business hours.
The Diabetes Referral Centre is located in the Outpatient Annexe, 66 Bellerine Street, opposite the main entrance to University Hospital Geelong.
Referral process for health professionals
Urgent referral
For example, acute foot issue, Diabetes Ketoacidosis or newly diagnosed metabolically unstable diabetes, please contact the Endocrine Registrar via Barwon Health Switchboard, ph. 4215 0000.
Referrals for outpatient review are to be faxed to Outpatients (03) 4215 1383 for triage.
Complete DRC referral template
All referrals should be faxed to Outpatients
All referral are triaged for suitability and urgency
Provision of appropriate clinical information within the “reason for patient referral” section of the referral form is essential for accurate triaging and access to services. This will also assist with arranging appropriate Allied Health assessments where necessary
Both GP and patient will be notified of receipt of referral and expected waiting time for appointment
Both GP and patient will be notified if a referral has been rejected
If patients have a change in health status linked to a current referral and require reassessment, updated referral information should be forwarded.
Referral template and guidelines and GP hotline
Referral Guidelines
Referral Templates (use Diabetes Referral Centre template)
GP hotline: If you wish to discuss the triage of your patient or require additional information about your patient’s referral, please ring the GP hotline on 03 4215 1398 (for doctors only. All other Outpatients enquiries to 4215 1396).
Fax: Outpatient referrals 03 4215 1383
Page last updated: July 25, 2024