Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS) and Regional Assessment Service (RAS) are Commonwealth Government funded services for older people (aged 65 and over, and Aboriginal people aged 50 and over). Assessments determine a person’s eligibility for services and assess their care and support needs.

There are two levels of assessment:

  • RAS – undertake Home Support Assessments to determine eligibility for entry level home help services through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
  • ACAS – conduct comprehensive assessments to assess for higher level services including Commonwealth Funded residential aged-care, residential respite, Transition Care Program (TCP), Short Term Restorative Care Program (STRC), Home Care Packages (HCP) and CHSP.
  • Assessments are free of charge and can be requested by contacting My Aged Care Access Australian aged care information and services | My Aged Care or 1800 200 422