We all know carers juggle their day-to-day duties on top of caring. It can be overwhelming and exhausting. Sometimes you may feel that all you have done is care for your relative or friend and you haven’t had the time to prepare yourself a decent meal or do your household tasks.
It’s important to know there is practical help available. It’s equally important for you to ask for help when you need it. Accept the support that family and friends can offer. This can relieve some of your burden that you are carrying and help you to care for yourself.
Palliative Care Program
Your Palliative Care team may:
- Refer you to Home and Community Care (HACC) through your local council. HACC services can provide help with housework, house maintenance, personal care, respite care and meals-on-wheels.
- Refer you to Carer Gateway (Barwon Health Carer Support)
- Support and guide you in accessing suitable equipment to help care for your relative or friend.
- Give you the Community Palliative Care brochure Equipment to Support You at Home.
- Provide you with information and advice on how to provide personal care for your relative.
- Refer you to private organisations that can help with personal care. If you are eligible, funding packages are available to assist with this cost.
- Refer you to volunteer services for practical help such as running errands or respite (allowing you to take a break from caring).
- Encourage you to ask for support from your family and friends.
- Encourage you to accept support from your family and friends.
Page last updated: March 28, 2024