Some carers may find it difficult to take time out from being a carer. Yet this is an important aspect of caring because if you take good care of yourself, it makes it easier for you to care for others.

The Palliative Care team encourages you to ask for support from your family and friends.

Here are some useful information, suggestions, resources and links to help you to organise time for yourself.

Palliative Care Program


  • The Palliative Care Program has trained volunteers who can provide practical help, companionship, comfort and compassion. More information on our volunteers can be found on the Barwon Health Palliative Care Volunteers website or in the Palliative Care Volunteers flyer.
  • Speak with your Palliative Care nurse. They can refer you to the Palliative Care Volunteers or you can contact the Palliative Care Volunteer Coordinator by calling (03) 4215 6161.


  • The palliative care team can arrange an overnight or short respite stay if there are beds available in the Palliative Care Unit.
  • The palliative care team can refer you to Anam Cara House Geelong for day respite.
  • The palliative care team encourages you to register as early as possible for Barwon Health Carer Support, so you are already registered if the need to access these services arises.

Home and Community Care

  • The Palliative Care team can refer you to Home and Community Care (HACC). HACC services can provide help with housework, house maintenance, personal care and respite care through your local council.

Helpful resources and links
Websites and other resources

Page last updated: November 14, 2024