Friday November 1, 2024

Written by Professor Peter Vuillermin, Clinical Director, Research Directorate, Barwon Health

Research in healthcare helps us drive innovation, make informed decisions based on evidence, and work with our community to provide care that meets people’s needs.

The first Barwon Health Research Strategic Plan (2022-2032) was launched with the vision to undertake internationally important research with a measurable impact on our community’s health. So, how are we travelling two years into our 10-year plan?

Our researchers published 612 peer-reviewed papers over the past 12 months, each representing countless hours of collective endeavour, culminating in a clear and concise report. Whether it is a new strategy for tackling nicotine addiction or a co-designed approach to eliminating restrictive practices in mental health services, our scientific papers reflect the diversity of our research and the teamwork required to achieve excellence. We led papers on improved shared decision-making in end-of-life care and new strategies to prevent Buruli ulcer. We generated exciting evidence regarding a Mediterranean-based dietary intervention in irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation and perinatal depression and the safety and immunogenicity of new vaccines for older Australians. We reported on new diagnostic assays and highlighted the opportunities to reduce emissions in our renewably powered health service.

Barwon Health was among the first organisations assessed against the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework and performed extremely well. Our clinical trials teams are regularly selected to lead multicentre trials, reflecting a reputation built over many years of excellence. Most importantly, they continue to provide access to novel therapies and contribute to findings that impact practice and policy locally and internationally.

Barwon Health became a signatory to marra ngarrgoo, marra goorri, the Victorian Aboriginal Health, Medical and Wellbeing Research Accord, which positions First Nations peoples’ cultures, worldviews, belief systems, and governance at the centre of the research process.
In partnership with Deakin University, we launched the Clinician Scientist Pathway. This innovative model enables allied health, nursing, midwifery, and medical clinicians to combine a PhD program with their clinical roles. In collaboration with Deakin University, we employed the first three Clinical Trial Fellows in oncology, mental health and endocrinology.

Nonetheless, we have a long way to go. Building skills in our workforce and creating more opportunities requires time and effort. Supporting new projects, funding applications, and data management is essential. Enabling infrastructure and dedicated research time is crucial. We are still developing systems for consumer partnership and translating research into practice. Barwon Health’s ongoing investment in research is crucial to our vision, necessitating strategic planning and a thoughtful implementation process. Equally important is fostering a supportive culture from all of us.

The Barwon Health Research Symposium on Tuesday, 19 November, is our annual day of celebration and discovery as we showcase the people and projects that aim to improve the health of our community. The day will feature Professor Russell Gruen, a trauma surgeon and board member of Research Australia, delivering the keynote ‘Why clinician researchers activate the health system’, presentations by emerging and established Barwon Health researchers, a Research Poster Exhibition, and Research Symposium prizes.

Find out more about research at Barwon Health at