Wednesday February 14, 2018

In round three of the Department of Health and Human Services Violence Prevention Fund, Barwon Health was successful in obtaining funding of $433,605 for:
1. Installation of swipe card access to all hospital inpatient wards
2. Installation of a mobile personal duress system on high risk hospital wards

3. Refurbishment of Swanston Centre, including:

  • Installation of CCTV in 3 courtyards (8 CCTV in total)
  • Remodelling of internal courtyard to incorporate active area, space for group work and sensory garden
  • Creation of family room/interview room
  • Alteration to reception administrative office
  • Installation of 6 domed mirrors to eliminate blind spots

Barwon Health CEO Professor Ruth Salom welcomed the funding announcement and said it would address areas where improved security measures were most in need.

“Barwon Health’s staff are committed to providing high quality, safe healthcare to the community and this funding announcement will ensure our environment reflects this philosophy.”
“Increasingly, healthcare workers are confronted with violence and aggression on the job and we are committed to implementing strategies and modifying infrastructure to reduce and eliminate these risks.”
Last year, Barwon Health received funding for a Behavioural Assessment Unit in the Emergency Department, a personal duress device system for use by community based employees conducting home visits and additional security for the McKellar Centre in North Geelong.

Media contact – (03) 4215 1119