Friday January 25, 2019

25 January 2019

With temperatures passing 40 degrees today, Barwon Health advises Geelong residents to take care of those vulnerable in the extreme heat.

Emergency Department nurse unit manager Kathyrn Ackland, said:

“We’ve seen that heatwaves in past years can have an impact on Emergency Department presentations, particularly with older people, young children and those with a medical condition.

“It’s important to look after those most at risk in the heat, including any friends or family who may need help, neighbours living alone, and your pets.

“Our staff are trained for heat-related emergencies and it is important to seek medical attention if you believe you or someone in your care is suffering from heat stroke.

“This condition can be life-threatening, with symptoms including throbbing headache, very high body temperature, dry swollen tongue, rapid pulse, dizziness, confusion, nausea, unconsciousness, and red, hot, dry skin.

“The best way to beat the heat is to plan ahead, drink plenty of water, stay somewhere cool, and never leave anybody in a car.

“With a long weekend approaching, we encourage the community to stay safe and know their limits.”

Click here for a list of medical treatment options available in the region, as well as a wait time dashboard for our Emergency Department.