Tuesday October 2, 2018

The annual Barwon Health and Deakin Univ​e​rsity Research Week will take place from 12 – 16 November 2018.

Research Week showcases our research activities and includes guest lectures by prominent Geelong researchers, various presentations, and education sessions aimed at early career ​​researchers. ​

The presentations this year will enlighten and inform those in attendance, including interactive workshops on social media for academics and research grants, a fascinating opening session by Deakin’s Prof Saeid Navahandi on robotics in medicine and the GCEID One Health Day, with presentations and displays on zoonosis.

The popular poster presentation and Audience Choice Award will again be hotly contested, with bragging rights and prizemoney up for grabs. The annual Barwon Health and Deakin Uni ethics debate will tackle the topic that sport is bad for your health, while Trisha Dunning will also present her Annual World Diabetes Day lecture on Dis-ability, Death – Diabetes in 3D. ​

Rounding out the week is the prestigious Barry Jones medal will acknowledge the exceptional work of individuals who have contributed to the research community, while the Harrison Lecture for Innovation both honours the legacy of James Harrison and looks at the modern, leading edge innovation in the region that is driving the new Geelong economy.

Calendar of events

Click here to download the full calendar of events with online registration details.

Research Week Award winners

Poster Competition
Basic Science
o Dr Fiona CollierRelative abundance of Prevotella copri by real time PCR exhibits a bimodal distribution in Australian pregnant women
Clinical Research
o Keshav Faye-Chauhan – Innate immune cytokine responses and allergic disease in preschool-aged children
Health Outcomes/Clinical Practice
o Tania ElderkinPrevalence and characteristics of patients in Intensive Care with a life-limiting illness

Population Health
o Monica TemboPrevalence of frailty in the female cohort of the Geelong Osteoporosis Study
Service Delivery/Health Systems
o Professor Trisha DunningHaving conversations with older people with diabetes and their families about palliative and end of life care

Early Career Researcher
o Dr Anthony ChamingsHuman parechovirus type 3: a recurring epidemic in young children in Australia

Special Mention
o Dr Patrick PreeceThe history of Urological service provision to South-West Victoria

Scientist’s Prize

James Polmear – Partnered Pharmacist Medication Charting: A medication safety, health economic and qualitative evaluation

Audience Choice

Dr Oliver Cronin – The clinical and financial impacts of introducing a dedicated EMR service for treatment of patients with large colonic polyps into a regional tertiary hospital – a 9 year prospective study