Pregnancy & early parenting
Many parents struggle with the highs and lows of pregnancy and parenting.
Pregnancy and your little one’s early years can be a joyful time. But it can also feel overwhelming.
If that sounds familiar – if it’s affecting your life, wellbeing or relationships, particularly with your baby – You are not alone and there is support available.
Many parents experience difficult or unexpected feelings during pregnancy and/or following the birth of their baby. If these feelings are ongoing, it is important to talk to someone who understands you and to seek help early.
Some of these feelings may include:
- Sad or low mood
- Anxiety
- Frequent tearfulness
- Difficulty completing normal tasks
- Tiredness, loneliness, feeling overwhelmed
- Problems with sleeping and eating
- Irritability and frustration
- Poor concentration and memory
- Fear of harming self or baby
- Feeling a loss of control
- Feelings of guilt or low self-esteem
By looking after yourself first, you will be best placed to nurture the needs of your baby and others, while giving yourself the opportunity to have an experience of parenthood that is as positive as it can be.
Many worry about what others may think about them as a person and/or mother if they are not coping or if they are experiencing mental health challenges. The truth is that one way or another everyone has their struggles.
There are many helpful supports available to support you through pregnancy and early parenting. Reaching out for help is the first step to feeling better. You will have an opportunity to discuss mental health support with your midwife or doctor at your antenatal appointments and during the early postnatal period. Once you have left the hospital with your baby, your maternal child health nurse and GP will be available to discuss any concerns.
Please refer to the links below, download this resource guide, or call Barwon Health's 24/7 help, information and referral line on 1300 094 187.
COPE Centre of Perinatal Excellence
Practical information to help you work through the emotional challenges of becoming and being a parent.
Raphael Centre
Support for pregnant women and new mothers/fathers who are experiencing depression, anxiety or other mental health issues in the perinatal period (conception–4yo). A referral from your GP is required. Ph. 5221 7333
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia
(PANDA) Ph. 1300 726 306
PANDA supports women, men and families across Australia affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and early parenthood. PANDA also have a telephone counselling and support line.
MumSpace is a one-stop website supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of pregnant women, new mums and their families, designed to connect you with the level of support you need, from advice and support in the transition to parenthood, to effective online treatment programs for perinatal depression and anxiety.
Mum’s Matter Psychology
Psychology service that assist in supporting parents through their transition to parenthood. Telehealth appointments available.
Tweddle is an early parenting centre that offers interventions to babies, toddlers and their families to promote the preservation, reunification and restoration of health and wellbeing where there is distress and disruption in the infant-parent relationship. They also have a day stay and residential programs to support this process. Ph. 9689 1577
The Sexual Assault and Family Violence
Centre Ph. 5222 4318 (formerly Barwon CASA and Minerva Community Services) SAFV centre is a free service that works with anyone who has/is experiencing family violence and/or sexual assault. They also run programs for mothers and infants.
Personal, social and environmental factors may alter an individual’s experience or perception of this information. A person’s culture, religion, spirituality or ancestral spirituality can influence how this information relates to your health & wellbeing, as well as your community.
Last Modified: Monday, 20 February 2023