Work and pregnancy
There is no reason why you can’t keep working if your pregnancy is straightforward with no complications. You need to consider the type of work you do, and speak to your doctor if you are concerned that it may impact on your health or the health of your baby. Your doctor may need to provide advice in writing for your employer regarding the type of work you are required to do. If your employer is concerned about your health they may request a ‘fit for work’ medical certificate.
Many women prefer to keep the pregnancy private until around 12-14 weeks. It is a good idea to tell your employer that you are pregnant before he/she starts to guess or hears it from someone else, but you have no legal requirement to inform them unless your employment contract requires this. Your employer however cannot asses the health and safety risks for your pregnancy unless they have been informed of the pregnancy. If you intend to take maternity leave, you are required to give ten weeks’ notice.
Last Modified: Thursday, 25 July 2019