Planning your birth
You may have your own ideas about how you want to labour and the sort of birth you would prefer. Other things to think about are who you would like to be there with you, your choices for pain relief if needed and thinking about options if things don’t go as planned. Having a written plan for your birth preferences is a good way of planning your birth with your partner or support person, enabling them to advocate on your behalf when you are in labour and during birth. It also communicates your wishes to everyone involved in supporting and caring for you.
Your midwife may ask you during pregnancy if you would like to make a plan about your birth preferences. Your midwife will discuss your preferences with you to assist you in making an informed choice about your care. This can be written andbought in when your labour begins so your preferences are known.
Your birth preferences may include some of the following:
- Who would you like to provide support and encouragement when you’re in labour?
- Positions you may prefer to adopt during labour and birth
- Your thoughts about continuous monitoring of your baby’s heart rate if needed
- The different types of pain relief you may prefer
- Your thoughts about management of the third stage of labour.
- Your preferences if your labour needs to be induced or ‘sped up’ by breaking your waters or a hormone drip, or in the event that you need a caesarean
- How you wish to feed your baby
- Water birth
You can discuss with the midwives and doctors caring for you, the possibility of birthing your baby in water if it is considered safe for you and your baby.
The midwife can examine you in the pool if necessary, and help deliver your baby. The water needs to be kept warm. University Hospital Geelong have birthing pools or a large bath for use during labour and birth.
Last Modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2017