It is a requirement of the Victorian Department of Health that all health practitioners who are attending to patients at Barwon Health facilities, or assisting with care of Barwon Health patients, have had their roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and scope of clinical practice validated.

Medical and Dental Practitioner Credentialing

Medical credentialing at Barwon Health is a requirement for all senior medical specialists and dental practitioners, follow the below link to be re-directed to the credentialing platform where you will submit your application to the medical credentialing team.

Your application will be reviewed with justified appointment details, if you are uncertain if you are required to complete this process you may email the medical credentialing team at [email protected].

If you are a junior medical staff member please do not complete this process and contact the Medical Workforce Unit directly [email protected]

Medical and Dental Practitioner Credentialing: Click here

Credentialing for Shared Antenatal Care (General Practitioners)

Barwon Health Maternity Services provides the opportunity for general practitioners (GPs) to participate in the Shared Antenatal Care program.

GPs must be credentialed with Barwon Health to participate, with re-accreditation for ongoing affiliation to occur every three years.

If you wish to apply for credentialing for Shared Antenatal Care, please click here and complete the online application.

Under ‘Requested Scope of Practice’ select: General Practice- Extended- Shared Antenatal Care

For questions regarding the credentialing process, please contact the Barwon Health Medical Workforce Unit via (03) 4215 8091.

For more information on the Shared Antenatal Care program, please contact the Maternity Services Coordinator via (03) 4215 2055.

Allied Health Credentialing

All visiting allied health professionals who are providing care to patients/residents at Barwon Health facilities are required to be credentialed.

This includes but is not limited to, providing services in in-patient or residential aged care facilitates, providing care for an NDIS participant, honorary appointments, and course tutors or participants who work with Barwon Health patients.

If you are a visiting allied health professional who wishes to see patients or residents at Barwon Health facilities, please complete the credentialing process for Visiting Allied Health Professionals.

Nursing and Midwifery Credentialing

Credentialing of individual nurse and midwives occurs at the point of employment to Barwon Health and consequent provision of a contract and position description, which defines the rights and obligations of each party. Defining the scope of practice follows on from credentialing and involves delineating the extent of an individual nurses or midwives’ practice within Barwon Health.

Nurse practitioners, nurse practitioner candidates, nurses/midwives with advanced scope of practice, academic/research nurses, visiting nurses/midwives are all required to complete a formal credentialing application. Access the application form here.

Page last updated: August 1, 2024