Graduate & Internship Program Areas

Graduate and intern programs are an important part of a health professional career, and the transition from study to practice is recognised at Barwon Health as a critical time during which we have the opportunity to affirm career decisions, assist graduates to consolidate their clinical skills, support the development of professionalism and collaborative practice, and facilitate the advancement to independent practitioner.

Our graduate and intern programs are an important part of our workforce strategy and assist us to ensure we have the ability to employ the right people, in the right place, at the right time to support excellence in care and service.

The Education and Training Unit delivers specifically designed programs to support graduates and interns across the nursing, midwifery, medicine, and allied health professional workforce.

Barwon Health offers graduates the opportunity to work in a large health organisation where the breadth and complexity of services and case-mix provide a rich learning environment. For many this is a time during which important lessons are learned, invaluable mentors are identified, and lifelong friendships are formed

Page last updated: August 1, 2024